New Diesel clothing ads will now be seen on Grindr, Tinder and porn sites as the brand moves from traditional advertising to “where the people are.”
They have also developed unique emojis for their different clothing lines.
Diesel’s artistic director Nicola Formichetti explained to i-D magazine that the brand wanted to dissect the idea of a digital culture.
“We’re all obsessed, we’re crazy in love and hate with social media and I just wanted to do something that was fun,” Formichetti said.
Moving beyond billboards, no part of your browsing experience will be safe from Diesel’s smile-inducing #slogans, Insta friendly clips and custom emoji.
“For us, we’re a sexy brand,” Formichetti explains.
“To support the launch of our underwear line, we’re going to be the first brand to ever advertise on Grindr and we’re the first fashion brand to be working with Pornhub too. The message is simple: before you jerk off look at this…,” he adds with a laugh.
From a business point of view, this could be a master stroke.
“The numbers are crazy. Of course, it’s fun but it guarantees eyeballs.”
Pornhub is currently the 64th most popular site globally whilst YouPorn is ranked 172nd. There’s power in porn.
“Of course, this won’t replace traditional placements on billboards and in magazines but it’s an extension.
“This is where people are now, we live on our phones. I want to go where people are.
“Tinder, Grindr and Pornhub might appear a little-left field but it’s Diesel, we can do it, we’re not scared of these places, we’re not high fashion, we are street.”
The latest cast continues the Diesel DNA of bringing together different cultures, personalities and individuals that Formichetti finds online.
Diesel family favourites Kiko Mizuhara, Sara Cummings and Sang Woo Kim are joined by Trevor Signorino, Stav Strashko, Grace Mahary and Formichetti’s latest obsessions, Joe Jonas and DNCE.
Each plays a tongue-firmly-in-cheek role in this exploration of how we live online and Diesel aren’t afraid of laughing at themselves either.
Alongside the Joe Jonas and Kiko Mizuhara nonchalant embrace, the caption reads, “We have more followers than @diesel.”
With 6.3m Instagram followers between them, they undoubtedly do.
Last Updated on Jan 12, 2016
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