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Gay Nation Team

McSwiggan Saga Over, But That Sour Taste Will Last a Lot...

So the whole Calum McSwiggan saga appears to be over. After claiming (And still claiming to this day) to have been bashed by a group...
Jordan Bruno (Instagram @jordanbruno.mkr) - Photos by Daniel Enright Photography @daniel.enright.photography

Jordan Bruno Exposes All As His Star Continues to Rise

Jordan Bruno has showed everyone he is not only good in the kitchen but can also scale the heights of New Zealand with nothing...

Gunman Kills 50 in Orlando Gay Shooting

The world is shocked at the brutal killing of 50 innocent people at a gay nightclub in Orlando Florida. We greave with those family and...
Doctor Strange

Three Candidates For Marvel’s First Gay Superhero

The Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU, has taken over the entertainment industry over the course of the last eight years. Through films, new comics,...
Model: Justas Jes, Photographer: Paul van der Linde, Credits: www.fitcasting.com

Eikon’s Friday Workout – The Warm Up

Whether your workout plan is a bodyweight routine in the park or a 5K, warming up should be the first thing on the to-do...
charlie carver

Gay Teen Wolf Star Charlie Carver Heading Down Under

Teen Wolf star Charlie Carver, who recently came out as gay via Instagram, is coming to Australia. Carver is best known for playing Porter Scavo,...
Transgender Initiative

The People of Pride We Left Behind

The people of pride we left behind! I was struggling whether or not to write my opinion piece on this issue as I feel I’m...
Vinícius Gilioli

Stand Up For Change – It’s Not About Beauty

Stand Up For Change - It's Not About Beauty Hello everyone! Well, my name is Vinícius, I’m 23 years old and I’m from Brazil. I graduated...

I’m Not Getting Changed With That Queer Staring At Me!

“I’m not getting changed with that queer staring at me,” The comment was spat at me many years ago in the locker room of my...

Now and Then

Now and then There are so many issues regarding the safety and security with the LGBTI community. The main issue that isn't talked about a lot...

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