World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.

Gunman Kills 50 in Orlando Gay Shooting

The world is shocked at the brutal killing of 50 innocent people at a gay nightclub in Orlando Florida. We greave with those family and...
Trans Rights Norway

Norway Takes Progressive Step Forward In Trans Rights

A new healthcare bill which will see trans people aged 16 years and older be given the right to have their gender legally recognised has been...
Latvia Same-sex Marriage

Latvian Supreme Court To Re-evaluate Same-Sex Marriage

The Baltic nation of Latvia plans to re-evaluate their current position on same-sex marriage, overturning an administrative court decision that refused an application to...

Activists Who Fought For Equality Praised By President Obama

President Barack Obama has kicked off LGBT Pride month in the United States by praising and paying tribute to the activists who took the lead in...

Dramatic Rise of Unprotected Sex in Gay and Bisexual Men

A study in the US has reported a dramatic rise in unprotected sex gay and bisexual men are having but it has also found...
Melbourne Chargers (Green and Black) playing in the Bingham Cup in Nashville USA - Source: Facebook

Melbourne Chargers Win Bingham Cup in Nashville

It was an all Australian Grand Final to round out the 2016 Bingham Cup held in Nashville on the weekend. The fourth time the gay...
Gay Polo Club - Source: Miami Herald

International Gay Polo League Gains Funding Boost

An international Gay Polo League has been granted charity status in a boost to the sport that has huge gay participation levels across the...
Source: Twitter - @lunanegro76

Homophobic Chants From Extremists As Gay Couple Kiss

A gay couple walking through the City of Madrid have come across a protest march and decided the best way to protest back was...

Church Of Scotland Allows Clergy To Marry Same-sex Partners

The Church of Scotland has officially approved a new measure that enables its clergy to marry their same-sex partners, bypassing the churches official stance...
Ireland Says Yes in 2015

Record Numbers of Young Irish People Coming Out A Year Since...

While the debate rages about the pros and cons of gay marriage in Australia during the election campaign, it has been announced that record...

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