World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.

Anglican Church

Greater Inclusion Of LGBTI Called For In Anglican Church

A letter drafted by a number of Anglican clergy is calling for greater inclusion of the LGBTI community by the Church of England. Sent to...
Sarajevo -Pride

Sarajevo Hosts First-Ever Pride

The capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, has hosted its first-ever LGBTI pride parade, with over 2,000 people marching against homophobia and hate...
Pulse Nightclub Vigil

6 Months On – Somber Vigil Held For Victims Of the...

A somber vigil has been held six months on from the shooting that took the lives of forty-nine innocent people inside an Orlando gay...
Mr Gay Ecuador 2017 - Flavio Romero (Supplied)

Ecuador’s First Ever Mr Gay World Representative Wants His Whole Community...

For the first ever Mr. Gay World representative from Ecuador, Flavio Romero Valdez is calling on all of his community, especially those that are...
vietnam pride

Vietnam Ends Conversion Therapy – Declares LGBTQ+ is ‘not an illness’

Medical providers in Vietnam have been ordered to end controversial practices like conversion therapy as the Vietnamese Government have said that being gay, transgender,...
United Nations LGBTI RIGHTS

United Nations Adopts LGBTI Rights Resolution

The United Nations Human Rights Council has made history by adopting a resolution to protect individuals against "violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation,...
Anwesh Sahoo

Mr. Gay India 2016 Crowned

India has chosen their latest Mr. Gay India who will be representing the South Asian country in the Mr. Gay World 2016 Competition which...
Jaimie Deblieck - Mr Gay Belgium 2017 (Instagram)

Workplace Acceptance for the LGBTQI+ Community a Passion for Jaimie Deblieck

Inspired by his first ever pride parade, Belgium's delegate in the Mr. Gay Europe competition is now motivated to improve the acceptance of gays...
Victor Madrigal-Borloz UN

Calls for Global Ban on Conversion Therapy by UN Expert

A United Nations (UN) expert has called for a global ban on conversion therapy while telling the Human Rights Council that the practice inflicts...
Elon Musk's Newborn

Elon Musk’s Newborn Can Determine Their Own Gender

Elon Musk's newborn child, X Æ A-12 (pronounced Sasha Archangel) will be given the opportunity to determine their own gender. Claire Elise Boucher, known professionally...

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