World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.

Erion O’Flaherty

Miss America Welcomes Its First Openly Gay Contestant

Miss America, one of the world's most famous beauty pageants has officially welcomed its first openly gay contestant to the competition, ninety-five years after its...
Anglican Church

Greater Inclusion Of LGBTI Called For In Anglican Church

A letter drafted by a number of Anglican clergy is calling for greater inclusion of the LGBTI community by the Church of England. Sent to...

First Openly Gay Man to Moderate Presidential Debate

Openly gay CNN anchor, and outspoken Trump critic, Anderson Cooper has been selected to be among the journalists to moderate one of three upcoming...

Californian Law Aims To Save Lives Of LGBTI Youth

New legislation aiming to help save the lives of LGBTI youth has been passed by the state of California. With LGBTI youth being four times more...

Catholic Crisis as Irish Trainee Priests Caught Using Gay Dating App...

Irish church leaders have reportedly been holding “crisis talks” over allegations that trainee Catholic priests in Ireland are frequently using the gay dating app...
Rainbow Flag

Neighbours Show Their Support For Homophobic Vandal Victims

Proving that love conquers hate, neighbours of a married same-sex couple who's home was egged have shown their support for the pair by flying rainbow...

Health Officials Baffled Over Meningitis Outbreak Affecting Gay Men

An outbreak of Meningitis affecting pockets of gay men across the United States is worrying officials and has led to 8 deaths. Officials aren't sure...
US Federal Government

New Policy Ensures Improved Transgender Rights In United States

A new ruling by the General Service Administration will now ensure transgender people the right to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity...
Rachel Bruni

Olympic Medalist Dedicates Medal To Her Girlfriend

Recently out, Italian Olympian Rachel Bruni has dedicated her Silver Olympic medal to her girlfriend. The 25-year-old won the silver medal in the 10 km marathon, behind Sharon...
Donald Trump

Trump To Ban Homophobic Muslims From The United States

Republican Presidential nominee, Donald Trump has announced further details on how he intends to vet Muslim immigrants coming into the United States, including a...

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