World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.

Barack Obama speaking in the White House

Obama’s Big Year Ends With An LGBT Commemoration

In a monumental year for LGBT rights in the US, today President Obama commemorated the five-year anniversary of the lifting of the ban on...
Donate Blood

US Fall Into Line Over Lifetime Blood Donation Bans

A step forward on descriminatory blood donation by gay men overnight when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration formally ended a 32-year-old lifetime ban...
Tomi Lappi

12 Gays of Christmas – Gay 10 – Tomi Lappi

Gay 10 - Tomi Lappi Tomi Lappi burst onto our computer screens in 2015 when he won his way into representing Finland in the Mr...

Police Caution: Armed Gangs Using Grindr For Robberies

Grindr is being used by armed gangs in London to lure unsuspecting men to meet with them before robbing them. Its always in the back...

Republican Candidates Support Law Allowing LGBTI Discrimination

All but two of the remaining Republican presidential candidates have vowed to support proposed legislation that would see discrimination against LGBTI people legalised. The legislation...

12 Gays of Christmas: Gay 8 Mass Luciano

Gay 8 – Mass Luciano Current Mr. Gay World Mass Luciano has had a whirlwind 2015. He started the year as one of the red-hot favourites...
Hillary Clinton

Clinton Outlines her LGBTI Agenda

Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has released a detailed document outlining her plans in regards to LGBTI rights, should she be elected as President...
Adam Lambert

12 Gays of Christmas: Gay 7 Adam Lambert

Gay 7 - Adam Lambert American singer and songwriter Adam Lambert has sold over 2.5 million albums and 5 million singles worldwide. Lambert rose to fame in 2009...
Indian LGBTI Criminalisation

Criminalisation of Homosexuality Upheld by Indian Parliament

A revolutionary bill intended to amend India’s colonial era Section 377 anti-sodomy law has failed to pass into law after the Indian parliament voted against the...
Stuart Hatton

12 Gays of Christmas: Gay 6 Stuart Hatton Jr

Gay 6 - Stuart Hatton Jr Never one to be a shy violet, especially at Christmas, former Mr Gay World Stuart Hatton continues to make...

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