World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.

Large Christian Church In Germany Overwhelmingly Votes to Allow Gay Marriage

One Germany's largest Christian denominations have overwhelmingly supported to allow same-sex marriage in a country that has yet to make it law. The vote on...

British Spy Service MI5 Named as Best LGBT Employer

British Spy service MI5 has been named as the best employer for LGBT people in a UK nationwide workplace equality index, followed by Lloyds...
Russian Legislation

Proposed Homophobic Legislation Rejected in Russia

Proposed legislation with the intention of banning Russian people from coming out as homosexual has been rejected by a Russian State Duma committee. The proposed legislation...

Vietnam Hailed As Leader In Southeast Asia Allowing Same-sex Marriage

Same-sex couples in Vietnam have already begun planning wedding ceremonies after a law came into force on New Year’s Day removing legal prohibition on...

Gay Jobs Stereotype More Than Just A Myth – Research Finds

Over many years, it has become apparent that some jobs just seemed to have a larger proportion of gay workers, but it was never more...

Respectful Canada Gives New Life to Gay Syrian Refugee

A gay Syrian refugee has found a new life and acceptance following his migration to Canada last year. In an interview with The Canada Star,...

Connor Franta To Quiz US Democrat Candidates in Debate

Openly gay YouTuber Connor Franta will play a role in today's final US Democratic debate before February's Iowa caucus. Youtube have teamed up with NBC to...

New Inquiry into Trans Equality Released by UK Government

A new inquiry into transgender equality in the United Kingdom has shown that the nation's legal, healthcare and criminal justice systems are failing their "gender incongruent" people. The...

Chinese Gaming Company Buys 60% Stake in Grindr

A 60% stake of the Gay and Bi-Sexual dating app Grindr has been sold to Beijing Kunlun Tech, a Chinese online gaming company. The 98,448,000 shares...

‘Coming Out’ Ban to be Voted on by Russian Parliament

Russia's Parliament next week will vote on a bill that would ban men from coming out as gay. The Russian News Service is reporting that...

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