World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.

Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex Marriage in the Philippines Gains Top Level Government Endorsement

Speaker of the House in the Philippines parliament has announced he will present a bill to legalise same-sex marriage. Pantaleon Alvarez, Speaker of the House...
John Raspado

Next Mr. Gay Philippines Crowned For Mr. Gay World 2017

A new Mr. Gay Philippines has officially been crowned at the competition's final at the UP Theatre in Diliman, Quezon City. John Raspado, a 35-year-old online...
Rick Santorum

Trump Appoints Homophobe as Advisor

Well known Anti-LGBTI Rights advocate and Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum has been appointed as one of Republican Presidential nominee, Donald Trump's Advisors. Santorum's appointment is...
Hillary Clinton

Poll Shows Overwhelming LGBT Support for Clinton Over Trump and Debates...

As the US election heads into the first Presidential debate this week, a new poll has been released showing LGBT voters are still more...

Gay College Athlete Raising Funds For Pulse Nightclub Victims

Competing in the Chattanooga Ironman triathlon, Phil Claudy hopes to raise vital funds for OneOrlando, an organisation which helps the victims and the community of...
National Organisation for Marriage

American Anti-Equalty Groups Attempt to Influence Mexico on Equality Debate

As Mexico debates marriage equality, anti-LGBTI activists from the United States attempt to push their homophobic agenda onto the Mexican people despite failing to block...

Homophobic Pastor Banned From UK and South Africa

Homophobic Pastor Steven Anderson, who is best known for his anti-LGBTI hate speech has been banned from the United Kingdom, halting him from making...
Trey Pearson

Out-Christian Rocker Dropped From Festival

Everyday Sunday frontman - Trey Pearson, was set to be the first openly gay performer at the Joshua Fest, a Christian music festival in...

Gay Blood Ban to be Lifted In Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland will officially follow England, Scotland, and Wales in removing a lifetime ban on gay men donating blood provided they meet donor criteria. The policy...

Homophobic Protestors Halted by 12-Year-Old Boy in Mexico

As thousands of homophobic protestors took to the streets of a central Mexican city marching against same-sex marriage, a 12-year-old boy has been photographed showing...

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