World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.

LGBTI Criminalisation INDIA

Bill Proposed to End Criminalisation of Homosexuality in India

One of India’s leading opposition politicians intends to put forward a private members bill that if successful would see an end to his country’s criminalisation of...
Nathan Henry

Geordie Shore’s Nathan Talks About His Same-Sex Relationship

Nathan Henry from MTV's Geordie Shore has officially come out as gay after initially describing himself as "bisexual." The 24 year-old Reality TV Star says...
Bill Kennedy NBA

NBA Referee Comes-Out After Being Subjected to Homophobic Outburst

Bill Kennedy, one of the NBA's top referees' has come out as gay, saying he is "proud to be an NBA referee" and "proud to be...
Greek Civil Unions

Greek Parliament to Vote on Same-Sex Civil Unions

The world's oldest democracy will soon vote on whether to allow same-sex couples the right to a civil union. Despite strong opposition from the Orthodox...
The Empire State Pride Agenda

Leading LGBTI Rights Group Disbanding – Mission Accomplished

One of New York State’s leading LGBTI rights groups, The Empire State Pride Agenda, has announced that it will be disbanding in 2016 due to...

Chris Mears Lapping Up The Attention From His Gay Fan-Base

His Mother died when he was two years of age, had his spleen removed after contracting a life-threatening virus when he was 16, has...
Mr. gay New Zealand - Matt Fistonich

Matt Fistonich Not Re-Applying for Mr Gay New Zealand

Matt Fistonich, who is the current Mr Gay New Zealand, says that he will not be re-applying for the competition which is due to be...
Homophobic Legislation

Homophobic Jamaican Laws Challenged in Court

Jamaica's harsh anti-gay and homophobic laws are being challenged in Jamaica's Supreme Court by a local LGBTI activist. The claim was filed by Maurice Tomlinson, challenging the...
Transgender and gender diverse

Global Initiative to End Discrimination and Violence Against Transgender People

A new global initiative of $20 million dollars has been announced in a bid to end violence and discrimination against transgender people. The Global Trans...

LGBTI Syrian Refugees Eligible to Resettle in UK

LGBTI Syrians will be among the 20,000 refugees eligible to resettle in the United Kingdom over the next five years. The inclusion of LGBTI people...

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