Health & Fitness

Gay Nation reports on the latest health and fitness news from across the world all with a gay twist.


Discrimination Against People With HIV Now Illegal in India

History has been made in India, with the nation's parliament passing groundbreaking  legislation to ensure equal rights for those who are living with HIV. Being the...
Sir Graham Henry

Rugby Legends to Attend Fundraiser for Falcons

Former All Blacks coach Sir Graham Henry and the Mad Butcher Sir Peter Leitch are going to be guest speakers at a fundraising buffet...

Californian Law Aims To Save Lives Of LGBTI Youth

New legislation aiming to help save the lives of LGBTI youth has been passed by the state of California. With LGBTI youth being four times more...
Sports Equality Foundation

Foundation Formed To Help LGBTI Athletes Come-Out

A new foundation with the aim of empowering LGBTI athletes, coaches and sports leaders to publicly come-out has been launched. The Sports Equality Foundation which was launched...

NZAF Call for Early Release of HIV Medication

New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) is calling on the Pharmaceutical Management Agency (PHARMAC) to fund the immediate access to medication for people living with...

Argentina Removes Ban on Gay Men Donating Blood

Argentina has joined a small list of countries that include Italy, Spain and Portugal who have lifted the ban on gay men donating blood. Daniel Gollán who...

Christchurch Syphilis Cases on the Rise

The City of Christchurch is seeing an increase in cases of syphilis among gay and bisexual men. The average monthly syphilis cases in the city...

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