World News

Gay Nation reports on the news from across the world all with a gay twist.


Repeal Insight for Anti-LGBTI Legislation in North Carolina

North Carolina's infamous Anti-LGBTI legislation known as HB2 could be soon repealed with reports of an agreement being made between Republican lawmakers and the state's...
The Empire State Pride Agenda

Leading LGBTI Rights Group Disbanding – Mission Accomplished

One of New York State’s leading LGBTI rights groups, The Empire State Pride Agenda, has announced that it will be disbanding in 2016 due to...

Promising New HIV Vaccine Begins Human Trials

A promising new HIV vaccine that has been in development for over 15 years has begun human trials which commenced on 1 October 2015, after...
Uganda Pride

Uganda Pride Event Raided By Police

A Ugandan pride event has been raided by the local police force with attendees being rounded up and arrested for breaking the nations anti-LGBTI...
Sarah McBride

Transgender Speaker To Make History At Democratic National Convention

The 2016 Democratic National Convention is set to make history, by having the first openly transgender speaker at a convention of a major US political party. Sarah...
Transgender Ban US Military

End Of Transgender Ban In United States Military Imminent

The United States is expected to end the ban that currently prevents transgender people from serving openly in the nation's military by July 2016. The decision...
Press Freedom in Indonesia

Indonesia Considers Ban on LGBTQ+ Content and Investigative Journalism

The Government of Indonesia is proposing a media bill that raises serious concerns about freedom of expression. The bill, if passed, would ban "LGBT...

Progress on the Cards For North Carolina?

Progress could finally be on the cards for the southern state of North Carolina, with an end in sight for the controversial bathroom bill. Following Democratic...

NBA Legend slams Kim Davis and Supporters

Six time NBA championship winner Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has come out slamming Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis and her high-profile supporters, in a column Abdul-Jabbar...
Justin Trudeau

Canadian PM To Pardon Man Jailed For Homosexuality

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed that he will posthumously pardon a man who was jailed in the 1960's for being gay. George Klippert became the...

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